Shirt Alterations


Add Darts to create a pair of seams at the back of the shirt.
Let Out Darts to open up the seams at the back of the shirt. $25


Taper Sides to take in the side seams of a shirt. Ideal alteration to make a shirt fit more slim, and less boxy.
Let Sides Out to let out the side seams of a shirt. Ideal alteration to make a shirt bigger, and fit less tight. $45

Shorten Sleeves

To shorten the sleeves of a shirt. $45

Taper Arms

To take in the arms of a shirt. Ideal alteration to make arms of a shirt fit more slim, and less baggy. $45

Shorten Length

To reduce the length of a shirt. Ideal alteration if the shirt is too long. $45 

Oui Wee Designs - White Spikes © 2024
2504 W. Division St, Chicago, IL 60622
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