Pants Alterations

Hem Tape

To install hem tape. Ideal alteration to add a reinforced fabric strip to protect the hem. Free w/ Any HemHem Guard

To install a hem guard. Ideal alteration to protect the bottom of the pants from wear and tear, and allows the bottoms to hang better. $20


Plain Hem
Cuff Hem also know as Turn Up Hem. Standard cuff height is 1 1/2", but you can specify the width. $35


Waist In to reduce the waist of pants.
Waist Out to increase the waist of pants. $35


Seat In to reduce the seat of a pant.
Seat Out to make the seat bigger of a pant. $35


Crotch In to reduce the crotch of a pant.
Crotch Out To make the crotch bigger of a pant. $35


Taper Legs to take in the legs of a pair of pants. Ideal alteration to make a pant fit more slim.
Let Legs Out of a pair of pants. Ideal alteration to make a pant bigger, and fit less tight $75

Narrow Bottoms $3

Waist Grips To prevent the pants slipping from the waist and to keep the shirt tucked in place. $35 

Oui Wee Designs - White Spikes © 2024
2504 W. Division St, Chicago, IL 60622
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